Master the Soncas method in 30 minutes => Download the video for free
The Soncas method, acronym of motivation factors security, pride, novelty, comfort, money, and sympathy, is a sales technique that is based on a deep understanding of human psychology to develop effective commercial strategies.
By lining up the commercial argument on these fundamental motivations, it allows to directly send the needs and desires of customers, thus creating a stronger connection between the product or service offered and the consumer.
This method finds a particular echo in the Pyramid of Maslow, which organizes human needs in a hierarchy ranging from the most fundamental needs to those linked to personal accomplishment.
Indeed, by understanding where products or services are located in this hierarchy, sellers may better target their discourse and offer solutions that promise not only security and comfort but also a feeling of belonging and self -esteem, thus affecting pride and the quest for novelty.
Taking into account the financial aspect, a central element of the Soncas method, also makes it possible to reassure the customer on the long -term value of his investment, an argument of weight in an economic context where each expense is scrutinized with a magnifying glass.
The integration of new technologies in the application of the Soncas method offers new avenues to personalize and optimize commercial discourse.
Digital tools allow a detailed analysis of purchase behavior and customer preferences, thus offering the possibility of creating tailor -made offers that precisely meet their expectations in terms of novelty, comfort, or pride.
In addition, the use of online platforms to collect and disseminate customer reviews is an essential approach to establish the credibility and reliability of a product or service.
These real testimonies act as influential social evidence, strengthening commercial argumentation by concrete examples of customer satisfaction. Thus, based on a multi -channel strategy that embraces digital technologies, companies can not only better understand the deep motivations of their customers but also interact with them more efficiently, creating a sales dynamic that is resolutely projecting towards the long term, in a constantly evolving market.
Do you have any difficulties in selling?
It's just because you don't know how to detect the psychological profile of your prospect.
But you have heard of the Soncas method and you want to know more to better detect the profile of the prospect and have a more impactful sale argument.
To start well, know that the Soncas method allows you to know the main motivations of a prospect.
This will allow you to discover the psychological aspect, which is essential to succeed in your sale.
If until now you repeated the same sales arguments learned by heart, reading this article, you will become a better salesperson by adapting your speech.
The objective of this article is therefore to present a new way of approaching your prospect, by adopting the right words, the right tone, the right behavior.
You will thus avoid neutral and sanitized discourse in favor of an adapted discourse.
3 things that you have to remember now to better control the method that will follow:
Honestly, I see too many blablater salespeople for nothing. Learn to listen to your prospect because it will help you detect your profile.
You must (this is where our job is great) find the right words, understand the personality in front of you.
At first, it may seem complicated but with a little training, you will master the basics.
Each of us, in a purchasing situation, has a variety of motivations organized in 6 types:
Depending on individuals and situations, these types of motivation are more or less represented.
In the discovery phase, you will learn to recognize the dominant purchase motivations (s).
Thus, for example:
- An "pride" will start his sentences with "me, I";
- a "sympathy" will multiply the "ensemble";
- a "novelty" will be spotted by ostensibly looking for change;
- "security" will be undecided;
- "comfort" will be calm and seek practicality;
- "money" will count everything ...
Safety profile
The prospect constantly needs to be reassured on:
Hence the importance of an argument justifying the quality of it and the adaptation of the product to its situation.
The pride profile
This profile has pride, vanity, clean love, emulation, envy, which are all aspects of the deep need to assert itself.
The aesthetics, the high price or the mark of certain products flatter and are purchased while the real need does not exist.
Everyone wants to be fashionable, showing a certain standing, promoting, standing out.
He needs a feeling of belonging to a certain elite.
The novelty profile
You will have a person in front of you with a curiosity to satisfy, a taste of modernism, need to change, desire to renew themselves, (very significant in the high tech field, mobile telephony, tablets, audio, video).
Comfort profile
This type of prospect will be satisfied if the product or a service allows it not to bother.
Thus a lease or monthly rental all inclusive for an automobile with
can replace the purchase and property of the vehicle.
As well as the delivery, installation, configuration and configuration of the equipment, directly from the buyer; Ditto for after -sales service (Darty commercial policy since its creation).
Silver profile
This profile has an interest in:
are elements whose influence can be decisive in the purchasing decision.
The technique of personalized cascade discounts for the sale of kitchen or high -end furniture works very well for this prospect.
The sympathy profile
The last one is attracted by the emotional side (love, friendship, sympathy).
In terms of sale, it would be futile to deny the role played by the "love at first sight" for an article or that of sympathy for a brand or for a seller.
Sympathy works well with all the images that evoke and glorify the family cocoon, mom, dad, children, grandparents, friends ...
To help you detect the personality of the prospect, hold on the following table because it offers words to adapt your speech during an appointment.
To be more concrete, here are some examples of dialogues or attitudes to identify in the first minutes the dominant typology of his interlocutor.
"So, what's new in your company?" Is a characteristic grip of Mr. New.
"You will accept a coffee" translates the typical welcome from Mr. Sympathie.
"I warn you, you have an interest in fighting because I have received attractive financial proposals from your competitors" will emanate Mr. Silver.
"I hope you have guarantees and references of what you are advancing" is a precaution of Mr. Security.
"I already want to tell you that I treat directly with your management" betrays Mr. Orgueil.
"I hope you have a“ turnkey ”offer translates the fundamental motivation of Mr. Comfort.
Another way to detect the psychological profile is to ask 2-3 questions, according to your interlocutor's answer this will guide you to the right profile.
Here are the questions to ask:
What do you expect from this product? Or what are you looking for? Or what do you want?
Once you have detected the profile, you will have to go through a objections management phase.
For this you can train with someone through the reading of this table of standard objections
With the Soncas method , I discussed the concept of personalized argument according to the motivations of the prospect.
There are methods that this time also focus on the only notion of motivation but on the very personality of the interlocutor.
I invite you to read the article dedicated to approaches to the personality of the prospect to be even better in your appointments with a prospect.
This unstoppable method will allow you to write an argument for sale.
This is a meeting between the CAP (characteristics -vantages-premises) which will allow you to build and the Soncas method.
The objective is to unroll your tailor-made argument according to the profile of your interlocutor.
This requires a little preparation but will simplify your work in the negotiation and sale phase.
To simplify the understanding of this method, it happens in two steps:
This part, we have just seen it. Well done, you have already done 50% of the work.
For information, you can meet the CAP method under the name of CAB meaning characteristics, advantages, benefits.
The product or service you want to sell has its own characteristics and advantages.
So you go for the 6 profiles, write the profits line in order to make your arguments more impactful.
We will move to a concrete example to show you the step by step process.
Imagine that you offer cybersecurity solutions, here is an example of arguments to use:
You can imagine, the arguments will improve over time.
This article will have allowed you to:
Do you have any questions?
Do not hesitate to use the commentary space, we will answer all the questions.
Master the Soncas method in 30 minutes => Download the video for free