Unnami File 321


Data extraction with AI

What to do with Agenty.com?

“Agenty.com is an automated online service that allows you to convert websites to usable information. It works using what is called "web scraping" or web data extraction.

Here is how it works:

1. Configure the robot: the user configures a robot (also called an agent) on Agenty.com to access the website from which he wishes to extract the information. This generally involves providing the URL of the website and specifying the specific parts of the site to Scraper.

2. Launch of the extraction: Then the user launches the data extraction, which means that the robot browse on the website, identifies the required and extract information.

3. Data collection and analysis: The extracted data is then collected by Agenty.com and transformed into a format that can be easily analyzed and used. For example, the data can be transformed into an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV file, or even loaded directly in a database or a user application.

4. Surveillance and programming: The user can also program data extractions to occur at certain times or in response to certain events. In addition, Agenty.com monitors the data extraction process and can send notifications to the user if something does not go as planned.

Agenty.com can be used for various applications, such as competition prices, data collection for market research, enrichment of the company database, etc. »»